Rose-Harms Post #355 SAL Sponsored Camp American Legion Family Cabin
The cabin we sponsor is the first Family Cabin for Gold Star families, which replaced the original cabin 22 that we also sponsored. Vacationing at a cabin in Camp American Legion is available to help heal those who have served and continue to serve along with their families by enjoying a north woods experience in Wisconsin’s outdoors. This is the Camp American Legion’s Mission.
Camp American Legion serves those who have a physical or psychological medical condition, any and all types of service and non-service related illnesses, injuries or disabilities. The Camp offers rest, relaxation, recuperation and rehabilitation.
The Sons of the American Legion squadron (SAL), of Grafton Wisconsin’s Rose-Harms American Legion Post 355 family, sponsors and contributes both money and volunteer’s time to help maintain the Family Cabin and its surroundings for use by our Veterans.
The location of the Camp American Legion is on the shores of Big Carr Lake, in the heart of Wisconsin’s Northwoods in Lake Tomahawk.
More information about Wisconsin’s Camp American Legion can be found using the following link: Camp American Legion